Tissue-Tek Genie® Advanced Staining System

With the Tissue-Tek Genie Advanced Staining System, you now have the capability to:  Run any slide, any stain, any time, any instrument  Eliminate batching of slides Run cases

An IHC & ISH stainer system that provides predictable turnaround time with maximum flexibility

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The Tissue-Tek Genie® Advanced Staining System is the first and only fully automated, true random access stainer for immunohistochemistry (IHC) and in situ hybridization (ISH) that features 30 completely independent staining stations.  This IHC & ISH stainer system provides uncompromised fast and predictable turnaround time (TAT) for unprecedented staining quality of the entire 136 antibody portfolio. 

With the Tissue-Tek Genie Advanced Staining System, you now have the capability to:  

  • Run any slide, any stain, any time, any instrument  
  • Eliminate batching of slides 
  • Run cases together on one instrument 
  • Run IHC tests within 2 - 3 hours for faster and predictable TAT 
  • Eliminate diluting reagents, all Ready-to-Use (RTU)
  • Eliminate the rail effect.  Full slide coverage
This superior performance is possible due to innovations Sakura Finetek brings to advanced staining:
  • 30 completely, independent staining stations with active heating/cooling and no slide scheduler 
  • True continuous random access 
  • Fully automated staining from dewaxing to counterstain with no alteration in TAT
  • Advanced capillary gap technology for whole slide coverage 
  • The first and only single-use capsule format for advanced staining applications to enable laboratories to run any test, any time, on any station
  • The first and only peristaltic dispense mechanism in advanced staining for precise volume delivery without any carryover or cleaning
  • Bulk reagents are all RTU, no requirement for refrigeration, mixing, or dilution 
  • Separation of hazardous from non-hazardous waste 
To increase quality and reproducibility of stains, Sakura Finetek established a new rigorous methodology to develop reagents and protocols for:
  • Stain quality that is scored optimal by several experts in pathology
  • Fast and predictable TAT, unprecedented by current solutions in the market
  • Innovation that enables continuous workflow with minimal disruption and simpler operation
The Tissue-Tek Genie Detection Kits (DAB, AP Red and DUO) along with our Tissue-Tek Genie RTU antibodies and ancillary reagents with evaluated protocols ensures users are provided consistent, quality staining results with reproducibility that laboratories have come to expect from Sakura Finetek IHC & ISH stainer products.  These staining results were independently evaluated by a leading quality assurance organization.



30 completely independent and scheduler-free staining stations for IHC/ISH
  • Predictable TAT with true random access for same-day diagnosis                                              
Unique advance gap technology
  • Fast fill and drain of the slide staining chamber
Innovative, prefilled, RTU Capsules for single test for true random access
  • Can perform a test, any time (whenever a station is idle), any station (idle station), any stain (no need to manage reagents on-board), and any instrument (no need to move antibodies between instruments)
Single slide loading and unloading
  • LEAN, batch-free staining
Whole slide coverage
  • Ability to place controls and patient's sections anywhere on a slide
  • Eliminate "rail" artifacts
  • Eliminate the need for tiles, coverlids, or oily reagents to limit evaporation
  • Eliminate the need to clean tiles, coverlids, or oily reagents on slides
Sakura Finetek developed and manufactured detection systems, antibodies, probes and reagents
  • Consistent reagent quality and performance
  • Sensitive and specific detection systems for mouse and rabbit antibodies
Enhanced waste management

  • Separation of hazardous from non-hazardous waste
  • Low total volume waste generation
Product name Tissue-Tek Genie® Advanced Staining System
Product code 8201
Applications Automated immunohistochemistry (IHC) and in-situ hybridization (ISH)
65.0 (W) x 29.6 (D) x 63.0 (H) inches
165.0 (W) x 75.0 (D) x 160.0 (H) cm
Weight 1,280 lbs (580 kg)
Power Requirements 115 VAC ± 10%, 50/60 Hz, single phase, 20 A
Turnaround time 1 hour 44 minutes to 2 hours 44 minutes IHC including dewaxing, antigen retrieval and counterstaining
Throughput Up to 90 IHC slides in 8 hours
Temperature control of
reagent on slides
50°F to 208°F (10°C to 98°C)
Instrument capacity 30 Independent slide stations
Slide requirements
25 x 75 mm or 26 x 76 mm
positively charged slides
Modularity Up to 5 Tissue-Tek Genie® Advanced Stainers can be controlled from one PC
Instrument operating

Temperature range: 59°F to 86°F (15°C to 30°C)
Relative humidity range: 30 - 80%, non-condensing
Antibody and probe
dispensing options

Prefilled RTU Capsules
Prefilled RTU Cartridges 
User-Fillable Capsules 
User-Fillable Cartridges 
Manual pipetting
ETL Certification    ETL certification mark is labeled on the exterior panel
Safety requirements UL 61010-1:2012 Ed.3+R:29Apr2016] 
CAN/CSA C22.2#61010-1:2012 Ed.3 +G1
UL 61010-2-101 Issued: 2015/08/14 Ed: 2
Standards CSA C22.2#61010-2-101:2015 Ed.2] 
UL 61010-2-010:2015 Ed.3]
CSA C22.2#61010-2-010:2015 Ed.3]
Regulatory status IVD, FDA class 1

Tissue-Tek Genie® Detection, Ancillaries and Consumables

Product code

Product name and quantity

8610-K050 Tissue-Tek Genie® User-Fillable Capsule Sealing System; 1 kit
8611-G002 Tissue-Tek Genie® User-Fillable Capsule Tray, 2/box; 1 box
8613-G050 Tissue-Tek Genie® User-Fillable Capsule Seals, 50/pack; 1 pack
8615-G001 Tissue-Tek Genie® User-Fillable Capsule Sealer; 1 unit
8616-G090 Tissue-Tek Genie® Reagent Dispense Area [RDA], 90/box; 1 box
8617-G050 Tissue-Tek Genie® User-Fillable Capsules, 50/pack; 1 pack
8618-G090 Tissue-Tek Genie® Reagent Dispense Area Tag [RDA-Tag], 90/box; 1 box
8622-G006 Tissue-Tek Genie® User-Fillable Cartridge for Biomarker-Binding Reagent, 6 cartridges/box; 1 box
8624-G006 Tissue-Tek Genie® User-Fillable Cartridge for Enzyme, 6 cartridges/box; 1 box
8636-K001 Tissue-Tek Genie® Slide Label Kit, 1 ribbon and 3 rolls for 3,000 slide labels; 1 kit
8637-K001 Tissue-Tek Genie® RDA-Tag Label Kit, 1 ribbon and 2 rolls for 2,400 RDA-Tag labels; 1 kit
8641-G001 Tissue-Tek Genie® Storage and Transport Tray, Red; 1 unit
8642-G001 Tissue-Tek Genie® Storage and Transport Tray, Blue; 1 unit
8643-G001 Tissue-Tek Genie® Workflow Organizer; 1 unit
8742-G001 Tissue-Tek Genie® Citrate Antigen Retrieval Solution, 3.8 L; 1 unit
8744-G001 Tissue-Tek Genie® High pH Antigen Retrieval Solution, 3.8 L; 1 unit
8826-K250 Tissue-Tek Genie® Pro Detection Kit, DAB; RTU, 250 tests, 6 cartridges; 1 kit
8830-M250 Tissue-Tek Genie® Hematoxylin, RTU, 250 tests, 1 cartridge; 1 unit
8836-K250 Tissue-Tek Genie® Pro AP Red Detection Kit, RTU, 250 tests, 4 cartridges; 1 kit
8837-K250 Tissue-Tek Genie® DUO Mouse-DAB/Rabbit-AP Red Dual Detection Kit, Ready-To-Use, 250 tests, 6 cartridges; 1 kit.
8865-G001 Tissue-Tek Genie® Dewax Solution, 3.8 L; 1 unit




menu:     available upon request

Tissue-Tek Genie® Capsules

The innovative single-use Capsules make Genie the most convenient stainer on the market, eliminating batching and sorting of slides, and giving you the flexibility to load any slide, any stain, any time, any station on any Genie.

 Benefit from using Capsules:

1. Run cases or single slides without the need to batch slides by antibody.
2. Save time loading slides whenever a staining station is available.
3. Use for any slide volume of any biomarkers.

The Capsule with an attached tag (used for identification) is inserted into a reusable plastic Reagent Dispensing Area (RDA) and the RDA is loaded onto any of the available 30 independent staining stations along with the slide.

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See how the Capsules are produced here:

In summary, this innovative technology enables laboratories to quickly load slides and reagents for an IHC stain to gain continuous workflow with short and predictable TAT.

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